
Mama Bird

This is the third year in a row we have had the pleasure of watching this Killdeer lay her eggs in a pile of gravel around our house. This year she chose our drive way! Not the most convenient place nor the safest but we have accommodated and have "extended" our driveway for the time being. It is fun to watch her sit on them rain or shine...even a little hail! When I go check the mail she screams at me and I just smile and say Hi. I can't wait to see her little ones scurrying around ... usually at the end of May. Killdeer don't spend time in their nest after they hatch. They hatch and run! Hopefully they run out of our driveway rather than use it as their own personal runway. I will keep you updated.
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Summer said...

I love that you have allowed the birds to stay in your driveway. :D