
The Big Show

Julianna had her second gymnastics performance. This was the pre show picture. I thought the seven balloon was appropriate. She was really upset a couple months ago when she had to start practicing for her show. She loves gymnastics and thrives on pushing herself but she does not enjoy "shows" of any least when it's not on her terms. She tried belly aches, cramps, excessive potty breaks to get out of having to prepare for this show when mommy finely stopped fighting the fight. It was a character building experience for both of us and a huge learning experience for mommy....stop fighting it. I told her she didn't have to practice she just had to watch. We sat there for twenty minutes during one rehearsal when the antsy-ness of none of the other kids remembering the routine got to her...big time! She kept telling me...that isnt how is goes! Her coach actually asked her at one point which way they rolled and she told them. During break her coach came over and told her she needed her because she is the leader of the group....I think I saw fireworks in her heart because it didn't take much at all for her to step up to that role! I didn't have to coax, bribe, beg or she went and her class put on a really great show. We both learned from that experience but I think mommy learned her baby is just growing up so fast.
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Hope said...

Isn't it amazing how much they teach us :)? She is adorable! So glad she had a great show!